Just like any other addictive drugs, sugar & processed foods cause a temporary high followed by a crash 🤪 leading to the vicious cycle of food abuse.
People addicted to food will watch their health deteriorate, gain weight, suffer from arthritis, have trouble getting around and will eventually develop diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and even dementia and depression. Despite wanting to change or stop, those with food addictions have a very difficult time resisting, even in the face of significant physical and emotional harm to themselves and those they love 🙁
Your biology & chemistry control your behaviors. Our automatic behaviors are controlled by our primitive brain, the neurological machine we have in common with other animals. These automatic behaviors include eating, our fight or flight response and reproduction. Our primitive brain wants to avoid pain and seek pleasure.
When our brain is bombarded with sugar, a very potent pleasure inducer, we become addicted to that pleasure. Will power and conscious choice are no match for these powerful ancient drives for survival
This post is a reminder to stop blaming yourself In a study published in the journal of food addiction, it was proved that sugar was eight times more addictive than cocaine. The study showed that rats preferred Diet coke to cocaine. They also showed that artificial sweetener has a stronger draw than even heroin, which is even more addictive than cocaine.
Brain imaging studies in humans found that eating or seeing pictures of junk food lights up the same area of the brain as heroin & cocaine.
Have you ever heard of people who say they gain weight by just looking at food? Well, they may actually be right !Looking at pictures of food or even thinking of food, causes insulin to be pumped out into your blood stream. Fascinating, right ?
When you continue to use sugar or processed foods, your dopamine receptors are decreased. That means you need more of the addictive substance to generate the same amount of pleasure.
When food addicts try to “quite” without proper support, they get withdrawal symptoms lasting up to 7 days, including nausea, headaches, shakiness, fatigue, cravings, disturbed sleep & nightmares. These symptoms are much less severe if you follow my 8 weeks detox plan and get support through breath work, Network Spinal, and other empowering tools ♡
The evidence of biological food addiction is overwhelming & I am here to support you through a journey I call freedom from food and experiencing a reset, reboot and restore of your body back to health.
I look forward to connecting with you and guiding you through this wellness journey <3