Network Spinal Analysis (NSA)
Dr. Tara Rasta in Anaheim, CA offers Network Spinal Analysis is a unique approach to chiropractic care that uses specific, low-force touches to the spine that assists the nervous system.
What is NSA (Network Spinal Analysis)?
Located in Anaheim, CA., we use NSA (Network Spinal Analysis)— a unique approach to chiropractic care that uses specific, low force touches to the spine that assists the nervous system, brain, and body to develop new strategies which promote health and healing. Network Chiropractic is administered with gentle touches to the spine which improves spinal and neural integrity, adaptability, and has been shown to address immediate health and wellness concerns (i.e. pain, dis-ease, stress, etc.) as well as significantly advance wellness and quality of life for practice members.
NSA is a technique in Chiropractic that administers safe and effective applications of low force along the spine to enhance precognitive and cognitive self-awareness. This process is also believed to promote self-regulation of adverse mechanical cord tension through the neural oscillatory pattern of associated tissues.
Research has shown that every disease begins with stress overload. Greater self-awareness and conscious awakening of the relationship between the body, mind, emotion, and expression of the human spirit are realized through Network spinal healing approach. Gentle precise touch to the spine cues the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. Two unique healing waves develop with this work. They are a spontaneous release of emotions locked inside tissues and muscle tension patterns.

The Benefits of Network Spinal Analysis (NSA)
Stress is a major cause of back and neck pain, low energy, autoimmunity, anxiety, depression and many physical maladies. In fact, research shows that every dis-ease begins with an overload of stress. That’s because stress causes obstructions to your body’s natural pathways to healing, health and wellness by locking you into negative habits and modes of thought.
Releasing your spinal tensions
Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic (NSA) is the first step to relieving the stress locking you into dis-ease, and thus opening your pathway to ultimate health and wellness. NSA’s unique approach to chiropractic care uses specific, low-force touches to the spine which unlock the nervous system, brain, and body’s abilities to self-regulate and develop new strategies of health and healing. This improves spinal and neural integrity and adaptability, and has been shown to address immediate health and wellness concerns (i.e. pain, dis-ease, stress, etc.)

Unlock your potential with Network Spinal Analysis in Anaheim, CA
The Path to Mental and Spiritual Wellness
NSA is a safe and effective technique that not only opens the physical self to wellness, but the mental and spiritual self as well. This technique has been shown to enhance precognitive and cognitive self-awareness, leading to significant advances in quality of life for practice members. NSA is also believed to promote self-regulation of adverse mechanical cord tension through the neural oscillatory pattern of associated tissues.
Fill our NSA form here and free yourself from the stresses that bind you to emotional tension and past traumas. This is your life – live it consciously.